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Systematic definition of complexity assembly in fractal porous media


Microstructures dominate the physical properties of fractal porous media, which means the clarification of complexity types and their assembly are of fundamental importance for static or dynamic purposes. In this work, we identified fractal porous media to dual-complexity systems composed of stationary and scale-invariant complexities as per fractal topography theory, and proposed an open mathematical framework to characterize complexity assembly in microstructures, realized the original complexity, such as random, multi-phase, and multi-type features by the quartet structure generation set (QSGS) algorithm, and unified the behavioral complexity, including the self-similar and self-affine properties by fractal topography model. For demonstration, the control mechanisms on the microstructures from different complexities are discussed, with their physical implications and relations to the physical properties of porous media clarified in principle. The results indicate that our framework is open to arbitrary original and behavioral complexities, and eases the modeling of multi-scale microstructures and the property estimation significantly.


① Indicate that a fractal porous medium is a type of dual-complexity system.

② Develop an algorithm to construct self-similar/affine bed-packing porous media.

③ Analyze the control mechanisms on the microstructures from different complexities.



DOI: 10.1142/S0218348X20500796


Yi Jin*, Cheng Wang, Shunxi Liu, et al.


© 2020 河南理工大学定量储层地质学团队
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