●研究方向● 煤层气地质与勘探开发、裂缝两相流体运移机制、煤系气开发技术
●教学工作● 长期从事煤层气勘探开发技术研究工作。
[1] Qian Wang, Xianbo Su, Linan Su, et al. Theory and Application of Pseudo-Reservoir Hydraulic Stimulation for Coalbed Methane Indirect Extraction in Horizontal Well: Part 1—Theory [J]. Natural Resources Research, 2020, 29(6): 3873-3893. (SCI)
[2] Qian Wang, Xianbo Su, Linan Su, et al. Theory and Application of Pseudo-Reservoir Hydraulic Stimulation for Coalbed Methane Indirect Extraction in Horizontal Well: Part 2—Application [J]. Natural Resources Research, 2020, 29(6): 3895-3915. (SCI)
[3] Qian Wang, Xianbo Su, Linan Su, et al. CBM geological characteristics and exploration potential in the Sunan Syncline block, southern north China basin [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 186: 106713. (SCI)
[4] Qian Wang, Xianbo Su, Yulong Feng, et al. Experimental study of gas-water two-phase flow pattern in fracture and its controlling factors: Implication for enhancing coalbed methane production [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 207: 109168. (SCI)
[5] Qian Wang, Diane Donovan, Thomas Reay, et al. Impacting Factors on Horizontal Coal Seam Gas Well Production and Proxy Model Comparison [C]. Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 2019. (EI)
[6] Xianbo Su, Qian Wang, Haixiao Lin, et al. A combined stimulation technology for coalbed methane wells: Part 1. Theory and technology [J]. Fuel, 2018, 233: 592-603. (SCI)
[7] Xianbo Su, Qian Wang, Haixiao Lin, et al. A combined stimulation technology for coalbed methane wells: Part 2. Application [J]. Fuel, 2018, 233: 539-551. (SCI)
[8] Xianbo Su, Qian Wang, Jinxing Song, et al. Experimental study of water blocking damage on coal [J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 156: 654-661. (SCI)
[9] Xianbo Su, Qian Wang, Fengde Zhou, et al. Characteristics of graphite-like crystallites in coal with increasing coalification [J]. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 2019, 22(3): 368-388. (SCI)
[10] Xianbo Su, Feng Li, Linan Su, Qian Wang*. The experimental study on integrated hydraulic fracturing of coal measures gas reservoirs [J]. Fuel, 2020, 270: 117527. (SCI)
[11] 王乾, 宋金星, 司青, 等. 表面活性剂在含微生物压裂液中的适用性研究[J]. 煤矿安全, 2018, 49(1): 49-52. (中文核心)
[12] 冯玉龙, 周元林, 王乾*, 等. 基于多层次模糊数学的煤层气井产能综合评价模型[J]. 煤田地质与勘探, 2021, 49(2): 125-132. (CSCD)
[1] 苏现波, 马耕, 宋金星, 蔺海晓, 郭红玉, 林晓英, 倪小明, 刘晓, 王乾. 煤系气储层缝网改造技术及应用[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2017.
[1] 一种把煤层气井改造为煤系气井的方法,发明专利,ZL201710847181.5.(授权,第二)
[1] 国家公派联合培养博士,澳大利亚昆士兰大学,2018-2019;
[2] 河南理工大学校级优秀博士论文,2021;
[3] 河南理工大学博士生国家奖学金,2020。