张昆,男,1990年5月出生,河南济源人。博士毕业于中国矿业大学(北京),美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学博士联合培养学习。目前工作于河南理工大学资源环境学院,参与国家自然科学基金1项,发表学术论文10余篇,其中SCI收录7篇,EI收录1篇,北大中文核心收录3篇。 |
●研究方向● 煤与煤层气开发地质与工程、非常规能源地质
●教学工作● 长期从事煤与煤层气开发等方面的研究工作
[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 42172190, 废弃矿井煤层气赋存规律及其抽采基础研究, 2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31,在研,参与
[1] Zhang, K, Meng Z, Wang X. (2019). Distribution of methane carbon isotope and its significance on CBM accumulation of No. 2 coal seam in Yanchuannan CBM block, Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 174: 92-105.
[2] Zhang, K., Meng, Z., Liu, S. (2021). Comparisons of methane adsorption/desorption, diffusion behaviors on intact coals and deformed coals: Based on experimental analysis and isosteric heat of adsorptions. Energy & Fuels, 35(7): 5975-5987.
[3] Zhang, K., Meng, Z., Liu, S. (2021). Laboratory investigation on pore characteristics of coals with consideration of various tectonic deformation. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 91.
[4] Zhang, K., Meng, Z., Li, G (2021). Analysis of logging identification and methane diffusion property of coals with various deformation structures. Energy & Fuels, 35(15):12091-12103.
[5] 孟召平, 张 昆, 杨焦生, 雷钧焕, 王宇恒. 沁南东区块煤储层特征及煤层气开发井网间距优化[J].煤炭学报, 2018, 43(09): 2525-2533.
[6] 孟召平, 张 昆, 沈 振.构造煤与原生结构煤中甲烷扩散性能差异性分析.煤田地质与勘探, 2022: 1-8.
[7] Zhang, P., Meng, Z., Zhang, K., & Jiang, S. (2020). Impact of coal ranks and confining pressures on coal strength, permeability, and acoustic emission. International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(8), 04020135.
[8] Yan, J., Meng, Z., Zhang, K., Yao, H., & Hao, H. (2020). Pore distribution characteristics of various rank coals matrix and their influences on gas adsorption. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 189, 107041.
[9] Meng, Z., Lei, J., Zhang, K. (2022). Experimental study on producing pressure difference and flow rate sensitivity in coalbed methane production well. Energy & Fuels, 36(1): 170-180.
[10] 孟召平, 王宇恒, 张 昆, 等. 沁水盆地南部煤层水力压裂裂缝及地应力方向分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2019, 047(010): 216-222.
[11] 赵小山,张 昆,李江彪,苗长超. 晋城矿区郑庄井田深部煤储层压裂效果研究[J].资源与产业, 2018, 20(04): 13-17.