●研究方向● 煤系气开发地质综合研究、煤层气直井/水平井增产改造理论与技术、煤层气排采控制理论与技术
●教学工作● 从事煤层气开发与煤层气专业的本科及研究生教学工作
[2] 2019年01月-2022年12月,国家自然基金,构造煤中N2驱替CH4纳-微孔裂隙演化特征与发生条件联动效应
[3] 2016年01月-2020年12月,大型油气田及煤层气开发重大专项,深部煤层气储层精细描述及甜点区预测
[4] 2017年01月-2020年12月,大型油气田及煤层气开发重大专项,煤层气水平井高效增产改造技术研究
[5] 2015年01月-2017年12月,河南省高校创新人才,低渗煤层水平井分段氮气伴注压裂关键技术研究
[6] 2014年01月-2016年12月,河南省科技攻关项目,井下长钻孔分段水力压裂增透关键技术
[1] Ni, Xiaoming*, Tan Xuebin, Wang Baoyu, FuXiaokang. An evaluation method for types of low-production coalbed methane reservoirs and its application. Energy Reports,2021
[2] Ni, Xiaoming*, Tan Xuebin, Yang Sen, Xu Bin, Fu Xiaokang. Evaluation of coal reservoir coalbed methane production potential in considering different coal structures in a coal seam section: a case study of the Shizhuang North Block in the Qinshui Basin[J] Environmental Earth Sciences. 2021
[3] Zhao Zheng, Ni Xiaoming*,Cao Yunxing, et al. Application of fractal theory to predict the coal permeability of multi-scale pores and fractures - ScienceDirect. Energy Reports, 2021, 7:10-18
[4] Ni Xiaoming*, Zhao Zheng, Li Zhiheng , et al. The adsorptive behaviour of kaolinite to sodium dodecyl benzene sulphonate and the structural variation of kaolinite. Scientific Reports.2021
[5] Ni Xiaoming*, Yang Cixiang , Wang Yanbin , et al. Prediction of Spatial Distribution of Coal Seam Permeability Based on Key Interpolation Points: A Case Study from the Southern Shizhuang Area of the Qinshui Basin[J]. Natural Resources Research:2021-1-13
[6] Ni Xiaoming*, Zhao Zheng, Wang B , et al. Classification of Pore–fracture Combination Types in Tectonic Coal Based on Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. ACS Omega, 2020
[7] Ni Xiaoming*, Li Quanzhong, Zhao Zheng, Liu Zedong, Han Wenlong. The change of fracture conductivity caused by coal fines with different particle sizes displaced by single-phase water. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2020, 13(23)
[8] Li Yang,Ni Xiaoming*, Zhao Zheng ,et al. Reaction Kinetics of Sodium Bentonite with Different Acid Systems: An Experimental Study[J]. Journal of Chemistry, 2020, (10):1-10
[9] Ni Xiaoming*, Zhao Zheng , Liu Xiao , et al. Classes of fracturing curves and their formation mechanism under different combinations of coal structures and geostress[J]. Energy Sources Part A Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 2020(1):1-18
[10] Ni Xiaoming , Zhao Zheng, Wang Yanbin , et al. Optimisation and application of well types for ground development of coalbed methane from no. 3 coal seam in shizhuang south block in Qinshui basin, Shanxi province, China[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 193:107453
[11] Ni Xiaoming, Liu Zedong*,Wei Jianping,Quantitative evaluation of the impacts of drilling mud on the damage degree to the permeability of fractures at different scales in coal reservoirs,Fuel,2019,236,382-393
[12] Ni Xiaoming*,Jia Qifeng, Wang Yanbin,The Relationship between Current Ground Stress and Permeability of Coal in Superimposed Zones of Multistage Tectonic Movement, Geofluids,2019
[13] Ni Xiaoming*, Liu zedong, Wei Jianping, Zhao yongchao. Experimental study of the kinetics of the adsorption of nitrogen by coal containing different amounts of water, Anais Da ACADEMIA Brasileira de Ciencias. 2019,91(3)
[14] Ni Xiaoming*,Jia Qifeng,Wang Yanbin,Characterization of permeability changes in coal of high rank during the CH4- CO2 replacement process,Geofluids,2018
[15] Ni Xiaoming ,Li Zhiheng*,Wang Yanbin, Adsorption characteristics of anionic surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate on the surface of montmorillonite minerals,Fronties,2018,6,390-402
[16] Ni Xiaoming *,Miao jie, Lv runsheng, Lin xiaoying, Quantitative 3D spatical characterization and flow simulation of coal macropores based on CT technology,Fuel,2017,200,199-207
[17] Ni Xiaoming *, Chen wenxue, Li zheyuan, Gao xiang, Reconstruction of different scales of pore-fractures network of coal reservoir and its permeability prediction with Monte Carlo method, International journal of mining science and technology, 2017, 27(4): 693-699
[18] 倪小明*,王延斌,韩文龙,等.煤层气开发地质单元划分与应用实践.煤炭学报,2020,45( 7) : 2562-2574
[19] 赵政,倪小明*,刘泽东,等.气/水两相驱替煤粉引起的煤裂缝导流衰减特征实验研究.煤炭学报,2020,45 ( 11) : 3853-3863
[20] 张径硕, 倪小明*, 李阳,等. 煤中不同尺度裂隙钻井液污染程度定量评价. 煤田地质与勘探, 2020, 48(5):9
[21] 倪小明*, 赵政, 刘度,等. 柿庄南区块煤层气低产井原因分析及增产技术对策研究. 煤炭科学技术, 2020, 48(2):9
[22] 李阳, 倪小明*, 王延斌,等. 鄂尔多斯盆地临兴地区上古生界压力特征及其成因机制. 天然气地球科学, 2019, 30(7):9
[23] 贾奇锋, 倪小明*, 吴海明,等. 不同NaCl浓度下十二烷基硫酸钠的理化参数和热力学行为. 化工进展, 2018, 37(A01):6
[24] 贾奇锋, 倪小明*, 赵永超,等. 不同煤体结构煤的水力压裂裂缝延伸规律. 煤田地质与勘探, 2019
[25] 倪小明*, 李阳, 赵永超,等. 不同压裂方式诱导应力特征及对缝网改造的影响. 煤炭科学技术, 2018, 046(006):29-33.
[26] 倪小明*, 李志恒, 王延斌,等. 沁水盆地中部断层发育区煤层气开发有利块段优选. 天然气地球科学, 2017, 28(4):9.
[27] 李志恒, 倪小明*, 李忠诚. 沁中南正断层附近煤储层压力分布特征研究. 矿业安全与环保, 2017, 44(005):21-24,29.
[28] 贾奇锋, 倪小明*, 李志恒. 阴离子型表面活性剂溶液物理化学特征研究. 油田化学, 2017, 34(2):6.
[29] 倪小明*,于芸芸,何景朝,煤层气井HPG 压裂液低温破胶剂实验优选,煤炭学报,2016,41(5):1173-1180
[30] 倪小明*,杨艳辉,叶建平,沁中南断层不发育区多期构造运动作用下煤层气直井产水、产气特征,煤炭学报,2016,41(4):921-930
[1] 发明专利: 不同煤储层条件下的排采压降控制模拟试验方法,2021
[2] 发明专利: 煤层气井垂直井水力压裂过程煤粉产出测试装置与方法,2018
[3] 发明专利: 一种钻井过程煤储层污染程度测试用模拟装置及方法,2018
[4] 发明专利: 煤层气直井钻进过程煤粉产出测试装置,2017
[5] 发明专利: 富水区下行孔抽采瓦斯自动排水排渣装置,2017
[6] 发明专利: 一种软煤区连续掏煤卸压增透装置及工艺,2016
[7] 发明专利: 移动式采空区瓦斯快速封堵抽采装置及工艺,2016
[8] 发明专利: 一种煤矿采空区充填系统及充填方法,2016
[9] 发明专利: 一种氮气致裂煤层能量变化及渗透率测试方法及装置,2016
[10] 发明专利: 软煤发育区瓦斯抽采孔多级防塌孔施工装置,2016