时间: 2024-09-30 | 次数: |
主要研究方向: 氢能储存和运输中的安全技术
[1] 国防基础加强重点项目(173)子任务,****** ,20万元,2022.06~2024.05,主持。
[2] 河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关),耐低温型液氢泄漏在线监测预警系统的研发,222102320278,2022.01~2023.12,主持。
[3] 航天低温推进剂技术国家重点实验室开放课题,低温H2燃爆特性与高效阻火技术实验研究,SKLTSCP202210,30万元,2022.10~2024.09,主持。
[4] 河南省高校基本科研业务费专项,低温液氢/湿空气大温差快速逆向相变下气液固相的迁移机理,NSFRF220422,6万元,2022.01~2023.12,主持。
[5] 国家电网科技项目,“双碳背景下”面向孪生数据的用能信息时空监控及计量设备状态画像分析技术研究,43.5万元,2022.06~2023.12,主持。
[6] 河南理工大学博士基金,高压氢气射流在管廊燃气舱内的扩散行为机理,B2021-3,10万元,2021.01~2022.12,主持。
[7] 国家重点研发计划子课题,氢液化、储存、加注场景下氢泄漏扩散规律及多参数耦合分布特性研究,2020YFB1506200,参加。
[8] 国家自然科学基金项目,湿度均匀性控制中液滴与空气热湿交换机理研究,51641608,参加。
[1] Shao XY, Yang SY, Yuan YL*, et al. Study on the difference of dispersion behavior between hydrogen and methane in utility tunnel[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022,47(12): 8130-8144. (SCI,中科院2区,Top)
[2] Shao XY, Pu L*, Tang X, et al. Experimental study of transient liquid nitrogen jet impingement boiling on concrete surface using inverse conduction problem algorithm[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021,147:45-54.(SCI, 中科院2区)
[3] Shao XY, Pu L*, Tang X, et al. Parametric influence study of cryogenic hydrogen dispersion on theoretical aspect[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020,45(38): 20153-20162. (SCI,中科院2区,Top)
[4] Shao XY, Pu L*, Li Q, et al. Numerical investigation of flammable cloud on liquid hydrogen spill under various weather conditions [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(10): 5249-5260.(SCI,中科院2区,Top)
[5] Pu L, Shao XY*, Zhang SQ, et al. Plume dispersion behaviour and hazard identification for large quantities of liquid hydrogen leakage [J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019,14(2):e2299.(SCI,中科院4区)
[6] Pu L, Shao XY*, Li Q, et al. A simple and effective approach for evaluating unconfined hydrogen/air cloud explosions [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43 (21): 10193-10204.(SCI,中科院2区,Top)
[7] Yuan Y, Mu X, Shao XY*, et al. Optimization of an auto drum fashioned brake using the elite opposition-based learning and chaotic k-best gravitational search strategy based grey wolf optimizer algorithm[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2022,123:108947. (SCI,中科院2区,Top)
[8] Chen N, Jia HL*, Shao XY*, et al. Study of the Effect of Drive Gas Type on the Inhibition of Coal Spontaneous Combustion by Ternary System Foam [J]. Combustion Science and Technology, 2022.(SCI, 中科院4区)
[9] Tang X, Pu L*, Shao XY, et al. Dispersion behavior and safety study of liquid hydrogen leakage under different application situations[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020,45(55): 31278-31288.(SCI, 中科院2区,Top)
[10] Pu L*, Li Q, Shao XY, et al. Effects of tube shape on flow and heat transfer characteristics in falling film evaporation [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,148:412-419. (SCI, 中科院2区, Top)
[11] Pu L*, Tang X, Shao XY, et al. Numerical investigation on the difference of dispersion behavior between cryogenic liquid hydrogen and methane [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2019,44(39):22368-22379. (SCI, 中科院2区,Top)
[12] 邵翔宇, 蒲亮*, 雷刚等. 液氢泄漏事故中氢气可燃云团的扩散规律研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2018,52(09):102-108. (EI)